. / Windows_System_Tools /
File Size Modified Description
[dir] AutoHotkey 3.2 MB 2024-Jul-17 advanced Windows scripting/automation
[dir] BorlandCppCompiler 8.5 MB 2018-Jul-04 Embarcadero's free command-line Borland C++ compiler (manual setup required; see the "readme" file)
[dir] UltraMon 5.6 MB 2017-Nov-12 handy tools for multiple-monitor users (trial version)
[dir] Defraggler 4.3 MB 2016-May-31 Piriform's free advanced disk-defragmenter (don't install the included adware!)
[dir] BulkRenameUtility 9.3 MB 2016-Nov-19 powerful/advanced tool for renaming many files/folders at once
[dir] undelete 7.1 MB 2016-Nov-19 tools to recover accidentally-deleted files
[dir] TrueCrypt 4.2 MB 2018-Jan-09 TrueCrypt free disk-encryption software
[zip] uacts_x86.zip 1.1 MB 2015-Apr-13 "UAC Trust Shortcut" - bypass User Account Control prompts for apps you trust on 32-bit Windows
[zip] uacts_x64.zip 1.1 MB 2015-Apr-13 "UAC Trust Shortcut" - bypass User Account Control prompts for apps you trust on 64-bit Windows
[exe] Sysinternals-essentials.exe 11.3 MB 2017-Aug-03  
[exe] MSA_Tools.exe 1.3 MB 2017-Dec-29  
[zip] remove-unwanted-desktop-icons.zip 1.2 KB 2015-Nov-12  
[zip] CrystalDiskMark3_0_2e.zip 987.2 KB 2014-Jan-21  
[zip] SysinternalsSuite.zip 29.7 MB 2020-Aug-06 all the Microsoft/Sysinternals tools (latest official download)
[zip] Safely-Remove-Storage_shortcut.zip 881.0  B 2014-Jan-21 an alternate "safely remove hardware" shortcut for Windows XP/Vista/7/8
[zip] classic_Printers_folder.zip 202.0  B 2014-Jul-08 a shortcut to the old "Printers" folder (handy for old printers that don't show up under "Devices & Printers")
[msi] dupeguru_win64_3.9.1.msi 16.7 MB 2017-Mar-15 a user-friendly tool for finding and cleaning up duplicate files
[exe] Sysinternals-essentials-32.exe 8.5 MB 2018-Apr-17 Autoruns manager, Process Explorer, and other great Microsoft/Sysinternals tools (32-bit installer)
[exe] Sysinternals-essentials-64.exe 11.6 MB 2018-Apr-17 Autoruns manager, Process Explorer, and other great Microsoft/Sysinternals tools (64-bit installer)
[zip] CD-DVD-drive-FilterCheck.zip 52.3 KB 2014-Jan-21 check a common cause of Windows failure to recognize a CD/DVD drive
[exe] WakeWindows.exe 811.0 KB 2020-Jul-27 Creates a scheduled task to wake Windows for maintenance
[zip] Replacer.zip 8.5 KB 2014-Jan-21 delete or replace "locked" or "in use" files during the next reboot
[zip] DisableTrayiconHide.zip 317.0  B 2014-Jan-21 disable auto-hide of System Tray icons
[zip] HideUserAccountsFromWelcomeScreen_example.zip 357.0  B 2014-Jan-21 easy registry hack to hide specific accounts on the Welcome screen
[zip] Profwiz3.zip 398.0 KB 2015-Jan-30 ForensiT's free Profile Wizard, ForensIT's free tool for migrating Windows profiles
[zip] MemTest.zip 13.2 KB 2014-Jan-21 free RAM-testing tool, not thorough but works while Windows is running
[zip] CrystalDiskMark5_2_0.zip 3.1 MB 2016-Nov-19 great free hard disk benchmark (speed testing) tool
[exe] windirstat1_1_2_setup.exe 630.6 KB 2015-Feb-27 in-depth analysis of disk-space usage (freeware)
[zip] CommandPromptHereAsAdmin.zip 1.0 KB 2014-Jan-21 lets you right-click a folder and "open Command Prompt here as admin" in Windows Vista/7/8
[iso] windiag.iso 298.0 KB 2014-Jan-21 Microsoft's "Memory Test" bootable CD image, for thorough RAM-testing
[exe] msicuu2.exe 351.2 KB 2014-Jan-21 Microsoft's old Windows Installer CleanUp Utility (INCOMPATIBLE WITH OFFICE 2007)
[msi] subinacl.msi 370.5 KB 2014-Jan-21 Microsoft's subinacl.exe, to fix bad NTFS file ownership/permissions
[exe] mcleanup.exe 213.4 KB 2014-Jan-21 reclaim RAM that buggy applications did not properly release
[exe] ntfslink.exe 600.3 KB 2014-Jan-21 similar to the Windows Vista/7 MKLINK utility, works on all Windows versions
[zip] ProcessMonitor.zip 1.3 MB 2014-Jan-21 Sysinternals utility for monitoring application activity
[exe] AltPrintScreen.exe 118.0 KB 2014-Jan-21 take window screenshots in remote-control sessions
[zip] Sid2UserName_V1_0_1.zip 42.2 KB 2014-Apr-02 translate SIDs (Security Identifier codes) to usernames and vice-versa
[zip] RunHidden.zip 573.0  B 2014-Jan-21 VB script to run scheduled tasks invisibly
[zip] openhardwaremonitor-v0.9.6.zip 491.5 KB 2021-Oct-28 view/adjust fan speeds and monitor temperature of CPU, video cards, hard drives, etc. (free, open-source)
32 Files - 7 Folders Total size: 133.0 MB    
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