. / NirSoft_Utilities /
File Size Modified Description
[zip] advancedrun-x64.zip 70.9 KB 2018-Jun-12  
[zip] advancedrun.zip 59.0 KB 2018-Jun-12  
[zip] appaudioconfig-x64.zip 72.7 KB 2018-Jun-12  
[zip] appaudioconfig.zip 60.6 KB 2018-Jun-12  
[zip] atnow.zip 5.2 KB 2018-Jun-12 reliably schedule tasks to run NOW using Windows "AT" command
[zip] bluescreenview-x64.zip 83.4 KB 2018-Jun-12  
[zip] bluescreenview.zip 16.2 KB 2019-Nov-03  
[zip] browseraddonsview-x64.zip 256.7 KB 2018-Jun-12  
[zip] browseraddonsview.zip 212.1 KB 2018-Jun-12  
[zip] brtools.zip 1.9 MB 2019-Dec-07 a collection of web browser tools
[zip] bulkfilechanger-x64.zip 104.6 KB 2018-Jun-12  
[zip] bulkfilechanger.zip 39.1 KB 2019-Nov-03  
[zip] edgecookiesview.zip 65.0 KB 2018-Jun-12 view cookies stored by Microsoft Edge browser
[zip] fileaccesserrorview-x64.zip 62.0 KB 2018-Jun-12  
[zip] fileaccesserrorview.zip 50.8 KB 2018-Jun-12  
[zip] fileactivitywatch-x64.zip 70.7 KB 2018-Jun-12  
[zip] fileactivitywatch.zip 60.1 KB 2018-Jun-12  
[zip] ipnetinfo.zip 14.3 KB 2019-Nov-03  
[zip] keyboardstateview.zip 53.8 KB 2018-Jun-12  
[zip] networkopenedfiles-x64.zip 85.2 KB 2018-Jun-12  
[zip] networkopenedfiles.zip 68.4 KB 2018-Jun-12  
[htm] NirCmd-Help.htm 131.5 KB 2018-Jun-12 detailed Help file for nircmd.exe and nircmdc.exe
[zip] nircmd-x64.zip 150.3 KB 2018-Jun-12 control 64-bit Windows settings/features from the command-line
[zip] nircmd.zip 37.5 KB 2019-Oct-24 control 32-bit Windows settings/features from the command-line
[zip] NirSoft-Utils-32bit.zip 6.4 MB 2019-Oct-24 all the NirSoft utilities on this site, for 32-bit Windows
[zip] NirSoft-Utils-64bit.zip 7.6 MB 2019-Oct-24 all the NirSoft utilities on this site, for 64-bit Windows
[zip] nk2edit.zip 363.4 KB 2018-Jun-12 edit Microsoft Outlook's address-auto-complete list
[zip] ntfslinksview-x64.zip 60.8 KB 2018-Jun-12 view NTFS soft-links, hard-links, and directory junctions on 64-bit Windows
[zip] ntfslinksview.zip 9.3 KB 2019-Dec-07 view NTFS soft-links, hard-links, and directory junctions on 32-bit Windows
[zip] offlineregistryview-x64.zip 66.0 KB 2018-Jun-12  
[zip] offlineregistryview.zip 55.0 KB 2018-Jun-12  
[zip] openwithview.zip 8.3 KB 2019-Dec-07 view and edit the "Open With" right-click menu
[zip] passrecenc.zip 1.0 MB 2018-Jun-12 password-recovery tools (virus-free, but most antivirus will block these anyway)
[zip] produkey-x64.zip 15.5 KB 2019-Oct-24 find 64-bit Windows, Office, and other common product keys on your computer
[zip] produkey.zip 15.5 KB 2020-Apr-25 find 32-bit Windows, Office, and other common product keys on your computer
[zip] progtools.zip 318.0 KB 2019-Dec-07  
[zip] runasdate-x64.zip 42.5 KB 2018-Jun-12 make 64-bit apps think it's a different date, without changing the system clock
[zip] runasdate.zip 11.1 KB 2019-Dec-07 make 32-bit apps think it's a different date, without changing the system clock
[zip] specialfoldersview-x64.zip 57.4 KB 2018-Jun-12 (for 64-bit systems) view/open all Windows "special folders" (Documents, Downloads, History, etc.)
[zip] specialfoldersview.zip 11.5 KB 2019-Nov-03 (for 32-bit systems) view/open all Windows "special folders" (Documents, Downloads, etc.)
[zip] systools.zip 1.7 MB 2020-Apr-25 system tools that don't fall into other categories
[zip] usbdeview-x64.zip 115.1 KB 2019-May-03  
[zip] wakemeonlan-x64.zip 366.6 KB 2018-Jun-12  
[zip] wakemeonlan.zip 17.7 KB 2019-Dec-07 send magic "Wake on LAN" packet to a sleeping PC on your network
[zip] webcookiessniffer.zip 80.6 KB 2018-Jun-12 monitor browser cookies in real time
[zip] wifihistoryview.zip 75.4 KB 2018-Jun-12  
[exe] WinPcap_4_1_3.exe 893.7 KB 2016-May-22 packet-capture library required for some of the network utilities
[zip] wirelesskeyview-x64.zip 16.6 KB 2019-Oct-24  
[zip] wirelesskeyview.zip 16.6 KB 2019-Oct-24  
[zip] x64tools.zip 1.8 MB 2019-Oct-24 64-bit versions of various NirSoft utilities
50 Files - 0 Folders Total size: 24.8 MB    
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  The MS Assist file-archive is maintained as a convenience of our
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