Paint Shop Pro 6 setup instructions for Windows Vista/7/8/10+
  1. Here’s the link to download Paint Shop Pro 6:
    Right-click the link, then click Save Link As  ...but don't open it yet!
  2. After downloading/saving the ZIP file, go to your "Downloads" folder (or wherever you saved it), right-click "PSP6.ZIP", then click Properties.
  3. When the Properties window appears, look for an Unblock button or checkbox near the bottom – if there is one, click/check it.  Click OK to close the window.
  4. Right-click "PSP6.ZIP" again, then click Extract All.
  5. Click the Extract button.  After a few seconds, a window should open, showing you two files, "fo-psp6.exe" and "README.TXT"
  6. Right-click "fo-psp6.exe", then click Run as administrator, and Yes if a security prompt appears.
  7. Once the installer starts, click Accept at the license agreement, then Next.
  8. UN-check "picture tube brushes", then click Next.
  9. Click Next again, wait for the installer to finish (it’s quick), then click No at the "View Readme" prompt.  Paint Shop Pro is now installed – you’re halfway done with setup!
  10. Find (but don’t click!) the "Paint Shop Pro 6" icon in the Start menu:  Click the Start button (the Windows logo in the lower-left corner of your screen), then type "paint shop" to search for it.  Right-click the Paint Shop Pro 6 icon, then click Run as administrator, and Yes if a security prompt appears.
  11. The first time Paint Shop Pro starts up, a "File Format Associations" window will appear.
    If PSP6 will be your primary image-editing app, click the Select All button.  Otherwise, click Select Unused, and if using PSP6 for web-development, make sure these items are checked: ...then click OK to close the window.
  12. A "Tip of the day" window will appear.  Close it, then click the File menu, Preferences, then General Program Preferences.
  13. On the Undo tab, UN-check "Limit undo/redo disk usage..."
  14. On the Miscellaneous tab, check "Do not ask to empty the clipboard on Exit", then click OK to close the window.
  15. Close Paint Shop Pro to save the settings.  You’re done, except for one optional step...
  16. (OPTIONAL) Enable the built-in "Help" and "How-To" features:
    Paint Shop Pro has instructions available, through the Help menu, the Help button on certain screens, or by pressing the [F1] key on your keyboard at any time.  If you try to access the Help on a modern computer, you’ll probably get an error like "Feature not included", "Help not supported", or "Cannot display this help file".  There’s a Windows update that fixes the problem – just click the link below, save the file, then open it and follow the (quick and easy) prompts to install the update:

From now on, you can start Paint Shop Pro in three ways:

Click here for a ready-to-print copy of these instructions